My initial experience lies in the sales sector. I have worked in various industries within sales, from software courses, spa holidays, energy (gas and electric) to publication subscriptions and pay day loans. After 10 years in sales, I decided to take a break from the sector and started working for a research company conducting telephone studies for government bodies.
In 2018 I started to notice my health changing and decided to start going to the gym and eating healthier. In 2019 I decided to study nutrition at London Metropolitan University (something I would have never seen myself doing). I am now in my final year, and I have never enjoyed studying as much as I do now. The course has improved my skills and my way of thinking, helped me completely change my diet and increased my physical activity. My previous interest were movies, going out and socialising. However, now my interests are completely different, I really enjoy working out, researching, and reading new recipes and nutritional information for myself but mainly for my children.
On completing my course, I would like to work within the field of nutrition and hopefully do a MSc in food science or sport nutrition and eventually study a PhD in nutrition or food science. Food and nutrition have now become a key part of my life.